Sunday, February 20, 2011


***Sunday, Feb. 20th, 2010***

I must tell you about our Friday night. I experienced something I have not done so in quite some time.

Cold, hard fear.

Friday afternoon, the family and I went to visit our friends who have quite the snow run built. Because it was a full moon, we hiked out to their winter pond. It took about ten minutes to get there and looked so beautiful with the full moon and fairy lights, encased in ice, scattered around the rink. The kids loved skating and being pulled around in the sleds. Hot chocolate and little cups of wine, added to everyone's overall good cheer. Out of nowhere, the wind began to pick up, really pick up and suddenly a huge tree cracked and crashed down, only feet from the rink and us! All the trees began swaying and then another fell and it was too dark to see what direction it was heading. The kids were terrified and so were the adults! One tree landed right on our path and we all had to scurry under it!

It seems the night sprites wanted their forest back!

It was so good to get back to the safe and warm house and it made me think of all that our ancestors would have had to endure in the primitive world that was not so long ago.

Some things I like, in honor of those usually, grand, gentle giants.

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